Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Planned Parenthood's Disregard for Parents' Rights To Know

Planned Parenthood's Disregard for Parents' Rights To Know: Diana Lopez's 13-year-old daughter gets secret abortion at Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic. HELP PARENTS PROTECT THEIR DAUGHTERS by promoting the Parents' Right to Know and Child Protection ballot initiative, which will require a doctor to notify a parent or legal guardian 48 hours before an abortion is performed on their minor daughter. Parents have the right to know about any significant activity of their under-age teens. Senatorial candidate John Pinkerton (D-CA) comments: "Parents must give consent before their child can have their ears pierced or a tattoo put on. In fact, in public schools and emergency rooms, parents must give consent before their child can be treated with so much as an aspirin. Most voters agree that it is outrageous to allow a child to undergo any surgical procedure, let alone an invasive, irreversible procedure such as an abortion, without parental notification." A woman who has an abortion in secret, and experiences complications may be disinclined to reveal the problem to her parents. Complications could conceivably develop to threaten the woman's life. There have been situations in which a child molester has secretly taken an under-aged girl to have an abortion, in order to cover up his crime. Parental notification could help expose the sexual abuse. Deciding whether to have an abortion or continue the pregnancy will probably have a major long-term impact on the teen's ...


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