Thursday, November 4, 2010

Child Support - What Your Lawyer Isn't Telling You

Child Support is governed by whatever state you live in. For example, let's say that you live in Texas.

Texas Child Support is governed by the state of Texas. The state has very specific laws regarding child support payments and set guidelines for how it's figured.

Before you pay an attorney to tell you all about the child support laws in Texas, or whatever state you reside, check out the information for yourself. You can obtain all the laws free from the official state website.

Now, as with all aspects of family law, you and your ex have the ability to come to whatever kind of child support agreement you want to outside of court. As long as you both agree, you can get whatever kind of payment you want, provided the courts believe it's in the best interest of the child.

But, if you don't agree - and you go to court - the judge will base your child support strictly on the laws of the state.

Typically, the payments are based on:

How much income your spouse makes
How many children you have
The amount of time your ex spends with your child

Don't waste a lot of money going back and forth between your attorneys about the payment. Attorneys will try and keep you and your spouse arguing over this (and other issues) when there really is no need.

Read the laws on Texas child support, or whatever state you reside, and go over any questions you have with your attorney. This way when you start negotiating and your spouse (or attorneys) want to prolong the fight, you'll know when to stop.

After all, why fight over something and waste money on an issue that is strictly mandated by the state. If your spouse is not responsive to what you propose and comes back with extremely low numbers of his own, it makes better sense to just end negotiations and tell him you'll see him in court.

To get the 9 critical strategies for winning child custody when dealing with irrational, vindictive or abusive ex's, click here:

Joan Baker is an expert in child custody after going through her own custody ordeal, researching the laws and now helping other women going through the process.

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