Sunday, December 12, 2010

Criminal Background Check - Who is Classified As a Sex Offender?

A person who is criminally charged with a sexual crime that involves verbal or forced assault on a victim is a sex offender. He may be charged and convicted for crimes that include sexual assault, lewd and incorrect behavior, forced sexual assault, sexual abuse, child sexual abuse, rape and even non-sexual offenses like kidnapping.

Shocking Sexual Assault Statistics

Here is a brief insight into the statistics for sexual assault. Criminal background check has revealed that:

o There are more than 500,000 sexual offenders in the United States alone.

o Almost 2/3rd of sexual assault victims are under 18 years of age. Of this figure almost 58% are less than 12 years old.

o 60% of all those convicted with sex offender crimes hold previous criminal records.

o 8 out of 10 rapists escape conviction and are released due to lack of evidence.

o On an average, a sex offender molests more than 100 children in his lifetime. More than 80% of the victims do not report the crime to the federal department.

o Almost all the victims are well aware of who the offender is but are too scared to initiate any sort of legal proceedings against him.

Yes! These staggering figures are actually true. Do you know what this means for you and your family? It means that you all might be in direct contact with a sex offender at any given point of time. A scary thought, isn't it?

In light of the above statistics, if you are in the process of hiring a nanny or a guard for your home but are not sure of their criminal background record then you should log on to a site on the Internet and view the entire details regarding the concerned person. By law, it is a compulsion for every sex offender to register their names, photographs, addresses and other details of the crime committed with the federal department. Other details pertaining to felony or misdemeanors are available on these sites.

Visit CORE online to get free access to more information on a sex offender background check.

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