Monday, September 27, 2010

Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile delinquency refers to harmful or illegal acts carried out by adolescence. It could also be defined as violent or non-violent crime committed by persons who are regularly or under the age of eighteen. There is much question about whether or not such a child should be held criminally accountable for his or her actions. There are many diverse inside influences that are supposed to affect the way a child acts both depressingly and optimistically. Additionally, there are reasons why adolescents get into violence and non-violence crimes.

Conversely, youth's crimes are commonly multiplied and exposed because some of the young adults are abused or rather abandoned, child abuse is when children are hurt or injured by parents or by other people. Hitting, kicking, beating with objects, and can cause pain, cuts, bruising, broken bones and sometimes even death. In addition, it could be when they are emotionally abused in which children are not given love, approval or acceptance.

They may be constantly criticised, blamed, sworn and shouted at, told that other people are better than they are and rejected by those they look to for affection. Furthermore, they can sometimes be neglected in which when parents guidance looking after children do not provide them with proper food, affection, shelter, clothing, care and protection. If a child is however had been abandoned or abused, how can he or she survive? As a result of this, some of them might then decide to be a runaway because they couldn't resist the situation they were facing. Being a runaway child is absolutely bad! Because it would get things worst by the fact that there won't be an advice, also, there would not be were to live, what to eat, wear and so on.

Consequently, if the matter continues in that way it would therefore lead the young person to be consistently aggressive and make group of gangs, form this aggressive behaviour a kid might start stealing, swindling, and many more. Additionally, the law breaking might stretch and lead to harmful crimes; such as killing, raping, threatening and more. They could possibly harm their selves and the communities by taking drugs, smoking, and drinking. This could be dangerous having such juveniles around the society.

It is vital that parents take controls of their children because no one knows what the future holds for them. Children should be treated equally, not to be discriminated against! This is because children nowadays don't think as deep as parents does, they do actually take all issues seriously, although some parents might not mean to hurt or ignore them. Firstly, you should be able to be an understanding parent, listen to their statements carefully and give the right judgments, try not to be harsh when correcting them, reduction of abusive words. Additionally, you should try following their opinions because it could be useful.

How can we make this environment better and secured? This can be done by having preserving on the written words that abides on children, parents and guidance including tight and secure community management. There should be laws that prevent parents or guidance or even other people from abusing youths physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually. This is because it could be one of the reasons why children usually the age under the age of eighteen getting into harmful or either non-harmful crimes. Furthermore, children, should be able to abide by their parents rules and regulations in which when they being told the right and wrong things. Finally, there should be more security that's prevents crimes around the community in other to make a better and safer place to be.

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